Friday, August 1, 2008

Ninjas know breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Ninja M: you said you were in a fighting mood i think your short term memory is broken
Ninja J: i think your short term face is broken
Ninja M: your mom is broken
Ninja J: your moms face is broken
Ninja M: oh look at you being all creative with your comebacks...lame!
Ninja J: cuz your mom comeback was super original
Ninja M: more original than your face
Ninja J: as opposed to yours which looks like ASS
Ninja M: did you have a retard sandwich for breakfast because i know you can do better than that.
Ninja J: DId you have a bowl of lame ass comebacks for breakfast ? CUz your shit is weak
Ninja M: no i had wheaties. the breakfast of champions. which is more than i can say about you.
Ninja J: You can have a glass of shut the hell up
Ninja M: ninja, please. as long as you finish your glass of stupid juice

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