Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Is there a ninja in your email?

Ninja A2-omg - i seriously embarrassed myself while u were gone
Ninja M- what did you do!?
Ninja A2- So I was talking to this client and we need to take email addresses and his had ninja in it. and (I totally blame you for this) without thinking I went ‘I’m a ninja!’ He was like errr and I didn’t know what to say so was like ‘erm, I like ninjas. Anyway, your accounts?’
Ninja M- LMAO
Ninja A2- i didn't. it was awful
Ninja M- that's amazing!
Ninja A2- and then the whole conversation was stilted cos we were both clearly thinking what a twat i was
Ninja M- hahahahaha. you totally just made my quotes
Ninja A2- haha, oh the fame!
Ninja M- infamy!
Ninja A2- ninja please. i dont need infamy, i need a lobotomy

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